Latest News
- Date
- 28/02/2025
JUPAS Admissions Talk @ HKU Campus
- 20/06/2024
- 25/11/2022
School Virtual Showcase 校園VR導覽
- 16/11/2022
Careers Day 2022
- 01/09/2022
Principal's Message
- 06/06/2022
「未雨綢繆迎放榜 ─ 多元出路最新資訊」家長講座 (全港各區中六學生家長及其子女)Parents’ Seminar on “Get Prepared for t...
- 13/12/2021
- 03/12/2021
梁式芝書院專訪:《語文與文化認知並重 深化語文造諧》
- 28/06/2021
School Suspended on 28June 2021
- 15/04/2021
梁式芝書院專訪:學懂欣賞 生活化學英語
- 30/03/2021
Former Teacher alleged of having committed criminal offences
- 27/11/2020
S1 Discretionary Places Briefing Session
- 20/11/2020
梁式芝書院學校概覽 2020-2021
- 06/11/2020
- 04/08/2020
Cancellation of S1 Bridging Course & S1 Orientation Day and Special Arrangement...
- 10/07/2020
Cancellation of Pre-S1 Hong Kong Attainment Test 2020 取消「2020中一入學前香港學科測驗」
- 30/06/2020
Application Guidelines for S1 Places on Waiting List 2020 中一候補學位申請須知
- 16/05/2020
第四屆法團校董會校友校董選舉(2020-2022) 候選人自動當選
- 11/05/2020
- 17/02/2020
Arrangement of S1 Discretionary Places (Replacement of Interviews) and Postponem...